Southside Preparatory Magnet Academy is the first and only fully integrated STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) school in the Conecuh County School District. SPMA will provide students in grades 6-8 with engaging STEAM- infused curricula and will expose students to high-technology and arts infused curriculum. Students will experience tactile development through robotic applications, digital art, and graphics design, learning though gaming,and computer science. The fine and performing arts components will be integrated with STEM content to provide students with a a seamless educational experience. The art content will play an important role in developing the whole child, enhancing creativity, problem-solving, discipline synthesis, and self-actualization.
Conecuh County's vision is that Southside Preparatory Magnet Academy will assist the district in achieving greater racial and ethic balance across its schools, as well as support accelerated growth and improved academic achievement for its students in all subject areas. We will better prepare all of our students for 21st century careers.
Mission Statement
Southside Preparatory Magnet Academy exists to advance students in the fields of applied science, mathematics, and the arts through consistent opportunities for exploration, exposure, and excellence.
All students can progressively advance toward academic excellence when appropriately exposed to an advanced curriculum filled with explorations.
We envision a world in which every child embraces individuality, exemplifies scholarship, accepts cultural integration, and strives to increase cognitive abilities.
Distinctive Program Features
o Advanced Placement English Language Arts
o STEAM Courses
o Engineering
o Fine Arts
o Forensics
o How Did I Get Here (Genealogy)
o Iron Chef
o Movie Maker
o Picture Perfect Publishing
o Robotics
o Southside Engineers
o Toys and Gaming
o Around the World in 90 Days
o Choir
o Dance
o Debate
o Drama
o Fine Art
o Piano
o Sign Language
o Spanish
o Accelerated Reader
o Accelerated Math
o Acellus online program
o Advanced courses
o 1-to-1 Chromebook
o Monthly Field Trips
o End-of-the-Year Field Trip
o Exhibition Hours
o Beta Club
o Rock Club
o Spanish Club
2017-2018 Year End Accomplishments
A. 12/18 8th grade students scored highest in school district on the pre-ACT.
B. Scantron Data
% improved in the area of reading on Scantron
6th grade - 84%
7th grade - 81%
8th grade - 78%
% improved in the area of math on Scantron
6th - 77%
7th - 81%
8th - 83%
C. 6th Grade students won the 2018 Black History Science Fair in Birmingham, AL. This event was sponsored by Birmingham Children’s Theater, Alabama Public Television, and Southern Research.
D. Students completed Space Camp at NASA in Huntsville, AL