Drama Club
Contact: Sarah Miller
Drama Club is an extra-curricular self-selected activity for students in grades 6-8 at SPMA. The purpose of the Drama Club is to learn about acting, play production, and stage work culminating with two play nights.
Drama Club consists of two groups of students: the play cast and the stage crew. Being a part of Drama Club is a commitment . Each group will meet according to the schedule that will be handed out before cast tryouts. Please note that there may be times in which the Drama Club will be asked to stay longer or to attend additional practices/meetings; these dates and times will be announced in advance. All Drama Club members will also be required to attend plays.
Drama Club consists of two groups of students: the play cast and the stage crew. Being a part of Drama Club is a commitment . Each group will meet according to the schedule that will be handed out before cast tryouts. Please note that there may be times in which the Drama Club will be asked to stay longer or to attend additional practices/meetings; these dates and times will be announced in advance. All Drama Club members will also be required to attend plays.