Leadership Organization
Contact: Tonya Bozeman Phone: 2515787072
Our Student Leadership Club is a way to help students in 6th through 9th grade engage in community works, give back to their school, and gain important leadership skills. The SPMA Student Leadership Club is a program to build leadership, which means all students are at differing levels of responsibility and learning.
Why is Student Leadership Important?
Builds Character
Helps children take ownership of their school
Highlights positive leadership roles for children
Can provide leadership opportunities for a broad range of students
Builds a sense of community and school spirit
What can parents do to help?
Volunteer! Please contact me if building on our leadership club is something you are interested in.
Attend our once a month meeting to help provide supervision.
Offer to help with just one activity (Food Drive, Coat Drive, Craft night, fundraising nights, etc). If you want to just be “event” oriented, I always need supervision of children as they navigate these activities.
Talk to your kids about Leadership!
Talking to kids about taking ownership of their school and contributing to their community is important.
Remind kids that:
Leadership is doing the right things right! A good leader comes from doing one’s best, no matter what the task.
Anyone can lead because everyone can serve! Any child can help others and help their school.
Leadership is taking responsibility! Responsibility (being a good leader) at SPMA can be as simple as making good choices.
Why is Student Leadership Important?
Builds Character
Helps children take ownership of their school
Highlights positive leadership roles for children
Can provide leadership opportunities for a broad range of students
Builds a sense of community and school spirit
What can parents do to help?
Volunteer! Please contact me if building on our leadership club is something you are interested in.
Attend our once a month meeting to help provide supervision.
Offer to help with just one activity (Food Drive, Coat Drive, Craft night, fundraising nights, etc). If you want to just be “event” oriented, I always need supervision of children as they navigate these activities.
Talk to your kids about Leadership!
Talking to kids about taking ownership of their school and contributing to their community is important.
Remind kids that:
Leadership is doing the right things right! A good leader comes from doing one’s best, no matter what the task.
Anyone can lead because everyone can serve! Any child can help others and help their school.
Leadership is taking responsibility! Responsibility (being a good leader) at SPMA can be as simple as making good choices.